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  It’s been great interacting with Shivani. Troubling her with all sorts of questions. She has sure been a great help both in completing the formalities and the most difficult, last minute preparations. Hoping to meet again after year. Name – Sandeep Shah Course – MSC EARTHQUAKE & CIVIL ENGG DYNAMICS University – Sheffield  

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Home->Career Of The Month
This month we will look at the various aspects you need to analyse and evaluate while you are hunting for a job. We will welcome contributions for this page from academic faculty and industry personnel. If you as a parent are reading this page and could be convinced to contribute a small piece on your experience then please let us know and we would be very happy to post it here.

Published by International Counsellor

Ruma was really excited she had finally reached the stage when her education was almost complete,the difficult period of writing a narrative essays has passed, sleepless nights of study, hundreds of studied books and articles are behind. Ruma was very sorry that she spent so much time and effort on it, and did not buy narrative essays online .Now she could get a real job a job that would pay a good salary, and gradually help her to fulfil her dreams. Campus interviews were going to begin from next month and she wanted to start planning her career. Just thinking of the kinds of jobs that she wanted to apply for filled her with anticipation.

A brief visit to the career counsellor had informed her that the preparation for the interview can be divided into five steps Self Awareness, Company Awareness, Anticipating Questions, Planning Answers & Practice Interviewing.

To begin with Ruma found it difficult to understand how an increased sense of self awareness would enhance her career satisfaction. Till she realised that even while pursuing one profession a person has the option of choosing the kind of job they want to do within that profession.

For example, you could be a doctor and you could either do private practice, do a 9 to 5 job, or do a research/teaching job in a medical college. The path that you will choose will depend on your personal values, goals, individual strengths and weaknesses.

But how could one enhance ones self awareness? Becoming more aware of one's personal values, goals, strengths and weaknesses can ensure that the job that you finally accept is going to fit your personal aspirations and you are likely to succeed in it.

Personal Values and Goals:
Each one of us has our own ideas about what we expect from life. Some of us want to acquire power, status and be influential, while others are keen to be service oriented and help other people. Some people require security and therefore seek employment which would give them steady income, while others want to lead a more adventurous life and therefore they may shun jobs that are too secure and stable.

While you are beginning to apply for jobs one of the first steps you need to do is, to identify your goals and prioritize them. This self analysis, preferably with the help of a counsellor can put you on the right track from the beginning.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
Apart from your life goals and values there is another essential component on which you need to do a reality check and that is your strengths and weaknesses. All of us have various skills and no matter how poorly you feel about yourself - no person in this whole wide world is without any skills. It is only a matter of identifying one's thrust areas.

Luckily for all of us no single job utilizes only a single category of skills, there is sufficient scope in all jobs to use a wide range of skills. But this knowledge of the self could help you in propelling your career in the direction you wish to go.

So How Can I Use This Self Awareness?
Before you begin the job hunting process spend some time with yourself, preferably take the help of a counsellor and develop a profile for yourself. These are the things I want in my life, these are my strengths, these are the areas I am better of avoiding. Once that process has started then you will be in a position of power to make sound decisions about your career.

While you are doing this entire self analysis you will find that the greater personal clarity you have the more confident you are in the interview. So do this introspection and see yourself get just the right job for yourself!

Published by Employment Counsellor

There are two approaches to the interview process. Either you can go and just be passively interviewed, responding to all the questions that are asked of you. Or you can show your enthusiasm and zeal by researching the company: their needs, plans and exact requirements for the job. Armed with this knowledge you can respond to the real questions and fears, of the employer (See previous article on What Is The Employer Looking For, in Employment Counsellor). The very fact that you have taken the initiative to research the organization; will go a long way in establishing your personal and professional attributes and attitudes.

Building Company Awareness:
Find out as much as possible about the company. Write to the personnel/public relations department of the company and request for the annual report of the company. If by chance you happen to know somebody in that company or city you could try and find details about the company. The more details you have about the company the better equipped you will be to answer questions in the interview and later to decide whether you want to join the company or not.

Tailor Your Responses:
The research you have done about the organization will be helpful in clarifying some of your doubts and concerns about your role in the organization. It will give you a frame of reference for the interview.

For Example When Siddhartha went for an interview with Company X, he had found out that they had recently installed new computer software & the advertised job would entail coordinating the needs of several departments plus ensuring the smooth functioning of the software. When asked about his previous job experience Siddhartha highlighted the fact that he had coordinated the requirements of several departments and that was his strong point. He also informed the panel about his experience in coordinating a national seminar on the latest computer software & their use in offices.

Advantages of Company Awareness:
Whatever little you might know about the company try & integrate that knowledge with your answers. The main reason is that the interviewer is looking for a person who, after being hired, will have to be trained the least and can start delivering results within a short period of being on the job. Thus if you seem as if you know & understand the needs of the company then more power to you!

But remember, just like Rome was not built in one day, you cannot succeed in an interview just on the basis of reflecting your company awareness. Success in the interview will come only if you have an adequate basis of skills for the job.

Appear Confident and in Control:
This is the key to the art of successful interviewing. If you have researched the company, anticipated employer questions and practised your interview skills you already have an edge over all those others who are also interviewing for the post. Dress neatly, take all the necessary documents in a file/ briefcase and take a few deep breaths before entering the room with a smile. More than half the battle is won, now clinch the job by alert and well thought out answers... All the best!

Write to us with a self addressed and stamped envelope for a free copy of the booklet on Resume Writing Knock the Socks of your Employer.

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